Seed Gallery

Seed saving, growing next year’s crop from seed saved from a previous harvest, is as old as agriculture. It’s the future too.

Passing Peak Oil in 2006 (see 2008-02_EWG_Oil_Report.) means that industrial agriculture’ petrochemical-dependent hybrids and GM creations will become less and less viable as oil prices rise. Seed saved from the best performing plants in local crops is the simplest way of adapting those crops as the climate changes

Hybrids never adapt – or come true from saved seed. That’s the whole point of them.

Seed are often just as fascinating, as beautiful or as striking as adult plants. Enjoy the future.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Mike says:

    Hi Jerry, Can you tell me where I might be able to find some Eucalyptus Synandra seeds?

  2. Judi says:

    Hi, I was given some First Fleet lettuce seed a few years ago but due to the flooding here never got to save any seed do you know where I can buy some please.

    1. Judi,
      First Fleet lettuce is not available commercially. To get some you must first join the Seed Savers Network – we share our genetic resources free, it’s a member benefit.

  3. kasia says:

    How did you save the Basil seeds? And am I correct in thinking that you can only save seeds from Red & Yellow capsicums?

    Thank you


    1. Dear Kasia,

      Yes, you can save seed of all capsicum and chilli – as long as they have been pollinated and produce seed, that is. If you forget to save their seed and fruit fall to the ground, often they will germinate where they land.

      Basil develops seed quite quickly following flowering. You can harvest whole seed heads when they start dropping seed. If you use pantyhose to enclose heads the mesh will gather every seed. Thoroughly dry seed, place in an airtight container, then keep in a fridge. Seed can remain viable for 3 – 5 years.


  4. Francke says:

    Jerry, Is there any special way to grow mouse melons. I have been asked to grow some, but no success yet?

    1. there is no secret, they are dead easy

  5. Anne says:

    Hi Jerry. I am having trouble germinating winged beans. Any advice> Cheers

    1. Treat as you would any large seed. Soak in water overnight, then sow. Easy 🙂

  6. Francke says:

    Jerry, r there any special needs for spaghetti squash? I have one plant, and I am hand pollinating, and organic, my first two went rotton, I am growing them up a trellis then onto a post as I have little room, I have given them more minerals, cut back on water? Waiting 2 c what the next 2 little ones do?? Any further suggestions?

    1. Dear Anonymous Gardener
      Squash is grown exactly the same way as zucchini, and there’s heaps of information out there on the internet to help guide you. My advice is to sprinkle half a handful of dolomite per square metre, rake it in two weeks before sowing or planting. This avoids blossom end rot, a common complaint.

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